"Back to Our Roots" the 39th Annual Wearable Art Show
Wearable Artist Information
Important dates leading up to the Wearable Art Show!!!!
- Jan 9, 2025: 5:30pm Attend a "Mandatory Artist Meeting"@ the Main Street Gallery, 330 Main Street
- Jan 16, 2025: 5pm-7pm Modeling Workshop with Neysa Fernandez. This is mandatory if your model(you) has never been in the Wearable Art Show in Ketchikan as a solo artist(If you can't make that date please give us a call!!!). It is really helpful for models who will be wearing awkward pieces!!!! Ketchikan Armory Gym, 645 Jackson St
- Jan 22, 2025: 6pm Mandatory participate in the Dress rehearsal wearing your FULL Wearable Art piece, Ted Ferry Civic Center
- Perform in all 4 performances on Jan. 23rd ,24th, and two on the 25th!!! Ted Ferry Civic Center
More information will be coming!!! We will be emailing and posting here the line up order when it is ready. We will be emailing the draft script to you as soon as it is ready. You will have a chance to correct and make any changes to the script then and at the Dress Rehearsal.
Please reach out if you have questions!
Cassia O'Neil, Program Director