Sam Pitcher in front of "McPherson Music"
by artist David Rubin.
Sam Pitcher Memorial Scholarship Fund
Seming “Sam” Pitcher (1987-2003) was a gifted young man who was active in the various music programs available in Ketchikan. Sam loved all kinds of music and played the trumpet, flugelhorn and electric guitar. In 2003, with donations in excess of $10,000, his family and friends created a memorial scholarship fund in his name to award as The Sam Pitcher Memorial Scholarship Fund. The goal of the Scholarship Fund is to provide scholarships to local youth to help them attend summer music camps or programs such as the ones Sam was able to attend. In 2014 a dedicated endowment fund was created to help sustain the scholarship fund in perpetuity. Tax-deductible contributions can be made to the Sam Pitcher Memorial Scholarship Fund online at the link below or c/o the Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council, 330 Main Street, Ketchikan, AK 99901 (907) 225-2211 for more information.