This year's Winter Arts Faire will be at the Ted Ferry Civic Center! To participate in the Faire, booth holders must be Artist members or above of the Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council.
Currently all food booths are filled - however you may sign up to be on the wait list. You will not be charge a booth fee until we assign you a booth.
Food booths will be open November 30th and December 1st only. Set up times for food booths is abbreviated due to the Gala opening the evening prior. Food booths may set up Saturday morning 8am to 10am. HOWEVER, food vendors may prep your food booth Friday, November 29 from noon to 3pm. You may store food and some items in the kitchen and service hallway. This will be a shared space so you may not, under any circumstances, block usage of the kitchen appliances or completely fill up the refrigerator or freezer. If you have questions please call and we can strategize to make your participation easier.
Food permits are the responsibility of the booth holder and may be obtained from the Department of Environmental Conservation, 540 Water Street, Ketchikan, AK 99901. Telephone: 225-6200. The DEC has the authority to close down food booths that do not meet their requirements.
Food booths are $65.
Food Booth Application Form