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Blueberry Arts Festival

48th Annual Blueberry Arts Festival Art Exhibit, works by Gabriele Beyer, Mimi Kotlarov, Kathryn Rousso, David Bondt, Terri Metcalf, Joe Piston, and Isabella Oliver

Blueberry Arts Festival Art Exhibit

The Blueberry Arts Festival Art Exhibit is displayed in the Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council's Main Street Gallery annually. The exhibit is an Open Call to artists of any age in any medium at any level.

The Opening Reception of the Blueberry Arts Festival Art Exhibit is Blueberry Friday at the Main Street Gallery from 5pm to 7pm.

Artists may present up to two pieces in the exhibit. Pieces do not have to include blueberries to be accepted. The exhibit is judged by local artists, gallery owners, and art appreciators in the following categories:

1st Place Adult
2nd Place Adult
3rd Place Adult
1st Place Young Adult
1st Place Youth
People's Choice

People's Choice is determined during the opening reception on Blueberry Friday from 5pm to 7pm at the Main Street Gallery. The exhibit remains up through the month of August.

Pieces may be submitted to the Main Street Gallery by 5pm on the last Friday in July. Works from outside Ketchikan are accepted! All work must be original, created for this exhibit and not displayed previously in Ketchikan or on Social Media. Free for Members of the Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council, $30 for non members. (Do you want to become a member and help support awesome programs like the Blueberry Arts Festival?? Click the link below!!!!)

Below is a link for a downloadable submission form, or you may fill one out when you drop you work off at the Gallery.
Questions? 907-225-2211

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