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Blueberry Arts Festival

Best Blueberry Dish Contest

The highly competitive and very tasty Best Blueberry Dish Contest is a big favorite during the Blueberry Arts Festival weekend. Delicious Sweet and Savory works of culinary art must be submitted to the Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council by 3pm on the Friday of the Blueberry Arts Festival. All submissions must include blueberries.

A super secret panel of experts takes on the grueling job of tasting each submission...sometimes more than once...or twice. They make the difficult decision to choose 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes. The 1st prize dish is duplicated and served during the month of August at the awesome and wonderful New York Cafe!!!!

Submissions to the Best Blueberry Dish Contest are then served during the Opening Reception of the Blueberry Arts Festival Art Exhibit, from 5pm to 7pm on Blueberry Friday.

People's Choice is selected at the Opening Reception.

Fun, right?

All submissions are due to the Main Street Gallery by 3pm sharp on Blueberry Friday. We literally lock the doors at 3pm. No kidding. Plan accordingly!!! If your dish of deliciousness isn't here on time, but you would still like to contribute it to the opening reception for the chance to win People's Choice - that is an option.

Please bring your submission in either a disposable container - or make your dish clearly marked with your name and phone number so we can return it to you!!!

You will fill out a set of submission forms when you get here with the name of your piece, etc.

Best of Blueberry luck to the Culinary Artists out there!!!!

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