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About Us

The mission of the Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council is to create and promote opportunities for all community members to experience the arts and explore the humanities.

The Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council (KAAHC) is located in downtown Ketchikan, the ancestral land of the Taant'a Kwáan and Sanyaa Kwáan Tlingit. KAAHC is a member-based organization with the mission to create and promote opportunities to experience the arts and explore the humanities for the Ketchikan area. We provide professional development for individual artists, umbrella services for 5 small arts groups, two community-wide arts fairs, three city-wide art walks. The KAAHC Main Street Gallery and The Commons Gallery, a KAAHC collaboration with the Tongass Federal Credit Union, are the only galleries in the community an artist can mount a solo, fine art exhibit for an extended period without the pressure of selling the work. A place for "art for art's sake". We present the Torch Nights Performing Arts Series bringing professional touring musicians to Ketchikan, as well as our annual Wearable Art Show which has been copied by organizations all over the State. The community arts calendar on this website is used by all local media outlets and other programming organizations as well as community members looking for current events. We advocate for and advertise all arts and culture events and activities, solicit and administer the acquisition of public art for the City and Borough, sell tickets for all arts groups as needed, and of course this website showcasing the arts and culture of the area. In addition to showcasing monthly exhibits, the Main Street Gallery is a performance venue as well as location for dancing, classes, workshops and gatherings.

Our vision – the arts bring people together, expand horizons challenge assumptions and beliefs and improve the quality of life in our community – is a statement that is bigger than our organization. It requires us to continually reinvent ourselves, to be responsive, relevant and creatively cutting edge in order to invigorate the importance and value of the arts in our community’s consciousness and to help Ketchikan thrive.

Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council
330 Main Street
Ketchikan, AK  99901

Monday - Friday 9am-5pm

© 2025 Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council

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