50th Annual Blueberry Arts Festival T-Shirt Logo Open Call - DUE

Help the Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council celebrate the 50th Blueberry Arts Festival!!!
The Ketchikan Area Arts & Humanities Council invites you to submit up to two designs for the 2025 Festival logo. The logo is featured on the Blueberry Arts Festival T-shirts and is a cherished memento from each year’s Festival. Your artwork will be worn by hundreds of Ketchikanites, will travel the world with our summer visitors, and be featured in all Festival publicity!
• Mail or drop off original artwork to KAAHC, 330 Main St., Ketchikan, AK 99901
or email digital files to info@ketchikanarts.org by
5:00pm AKST, Tuesday, March 4, 2025.
• Entries must be original design and original artwork
• Entries must be a camera-ready design or image.
• Digital artwork must be in a scalable vector graphic format (EPS).
PDF and JPG files are acceptable.
• The design must incorporate the words:
“50th Annual Blueberry Arts Festival”, “2025”, and “Ketchikan, Alaska”.
Please include the following information with your submission:
Mailing Address
A prize of $500 will be awarded
for the chosen design, plus fame and glory!
Questions? Call 907-225-2211