Meg Hunt Artist Residency Deadline: Call for Entry

Two Week Residency: June 12-26, 2025.
Deadline: March 1, 2025
The Wrangell Mountains Center (WMC) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is connecting people with wildlands through art, science, and education in Alaska. The Wrangell Mountains Residency Program aims to support artists of all genres, writers, and inquiring minds. Our organization and community will provide a unique and rustic workspace located in the heart of the nation’s largest national park.
We invite applicants with creative and inquisitive minds who will both add to and benefit from the interdisciplinary efforts at our community hub in McCarthy, Alaska and the surrounding Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve. Artists and writers of all genres and stages in their career are encouraged to apply for our two-week residency. Alaska Native artists, artists from the global majority, artists who are underrepresented and/or marginalized are especially encouraged to apply. The WMC will make selections through a competitive admissions process. We hope to encourage emerging and mid-level career voices as well as mature professionals.
During the residency, the artist will be asked to share their experience with the public by demonstration, talk, or other means. The presentation will depend on the artist’s medium, interests, and experience.