Call to Artist - Alaska Hummingbird Festival 2025 Submission Deadline
Artwork must include birds, avian habitat and/or migratory bird patterns from the
list provided on the back page.
➢ Artwork must be recent, original, and not previously exhibited in Ketchikan,
Alaska. Open to all Alaskan artists working in all media with a maximum of two
entries per artist. Label each piece with“item 1” and“item 2” to correspond with
each entry form.
➢ All two-dimensional entries must be framed and ready to hang (hardware, wire
etc.) All three-dimensional entries must be ready for display. Note on entry form
if you include stands or props with your piece.
➢ Mailed entries must include return postage.
Artist Information:
➢ You may sell your artwork at the exhibit. Proceeds benefit the artist (65%) and
the Alaska Hummingbird Festival juried art show through Cape Fox Cultural
Foundation (35%).
Submit your work to:
Southeast Alaska Discovery Center
ATTN: Alaska Hummingbird Festival
50 Main Street, Ketchikan, Alaska 99901
Dates to Remember:
Entry Closing Date: Friday, March 28, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.
Opening Reception: Friday, April 4, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Hosted by the Cape Fox Cultural Foundation
The art show will be on display at the
Southeast Alaska Discovery Center until May 30, 2025.
Adult Best of Show (18 & up) - $500.00 Juvenile Best of Show -$100.00
Adult First Prize - $300.00 Juvenile First Prize - $75.00
Adult Honorable Mention - $200.00 Juvenile Honorable Mention - $50.00
We reserve the right to exclude work that is inappropriate for this exhibit or is not
properly prepared for display. Your work will be treated with care. The Forest Service
and the Cape Fox Cultural Foundation are not responsible for loss or damage of
For questions contact Hazel Brewi at 228-6246 or