Weekly Calendar of Upcoming Events and Performances
To have your event added to The Arts and Culture Calendar contact
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KGBSD Holiday Break
KAAHC Offices Closed
KAAHC is closed for the holiday. Here's hoping you have an restorative week!!!
Open Mic Fish House
Open Mic available for all types of performance.
BOOMbal Dance Hall Pop-up Class: Advanced moves
Pop-up Class: Advanced moves
Hey dancers that went through Swing 1, 2, 3, 4 this is especially for YOU!
Fun advanced moves. (All dancers that have previously completed BOOMbal basics of Swing 1 are welcome to attend.)
6:00 - 7:00 pm, followed by open dancing til whenever.
$10 drop-in
Stay tuned for additional POP-UP dances this month if we can squeeze them in. TBD
Main Street Gallery
330 Main Street
No partner needed to attend.
attend solo, or with your friends or a partner. We have a room full of partners ready to dance with you!
Easy-going, fun inclusive environment.
Its Liquid International Art Contest Deadline
ITSLIQUID International Contest - 17th Edition
Deadline: December 31, 2024
ITSLIQUID Group is proud to announce ITSLIQUID International Contest - 17th Edition, a free theme international contest open to artists, architects, and designers from all over the world, divided into ten categories: painting, photography, video-art, sculpture, and installation, performing art, architecture, product design, fashion design, computer graphics, illustration, and drawing.
Solo artists, architects, and designers can participate in the contest as well as groups, after the designation of a group leader useful for registration. Participation is without any limit on age and nationality. The number of works that can be submitted is unlimited.
ITSLIQUID International Contest promotes contemporary art, architecture, design, and fashion worldwide. Artists, architects, and designers have the chance to win 100,000 euros in prizes, chosen by professional jurors.
The Ukelele Group
Bring your ukulele and have some fun playing with the group.
Meets Wednesdays at the Bayside Hotel!
We look forward to seeing you again and making ART happen in 2025!!!!!
Arts Report on KRBD
Each week at approximately 8:20 am KRBD hosts the Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council for their weekly report on arts and humanities in Ketchikan and the surrounding area. Get a synopsis of the local music scene, performances, Gallery exhibits, pop-ups, and Calls to artists. The Arts Report often features special guests from the Ketchikan Theatre Ballet, Artists, and Curators. Tune in weekly to KRBD 105.3 FM Ketchikan, Metlakatla and Saxman, 107.1 FM North Ketchikan, Ward Cove, and Ketchikan, 101.7: Craig, 90.7: North Point Higgins, 90.1: Mountain Point, Hydaburg, Klawock, and Thorne Bay.
If you would like your event to be aired in the Arts Report please let us know by the Thursday prior.
Ketchikan's Dive Center: More Than Just Diving - Museum Midday
"Ketchikan's Dive Center: More Than Just Diving", presented by Wind & Water Dive Center at the Tongass Historical Museum from noon to 1pm.
Wearable Art Show Applications DUE!!!
Totem Bar Open Mic
Open Mic!
New Beginnings Exhibit: Open Call to Artists Deadline!
This is an open call to all artists to submit up to 2 pieces for the New Beginnings Art Exhibit. The challenge lies in creating new art in an unfamiliar medium. In addition to creating the art, please include a message about how the alternate medium was decided upon and what insights popped up during the creation of the piece. Artwork should be created for this exhibit and not shown anywhere previously, including social media.
Finished art work must be ready to exhibit at the Main Street Gallery Jan. 3rd at 5:00pm. All two-dimensional entries must be ready to hang with wires, saw-toothed hangers, ribbons, etc. All three-dimensional entries must be ready for display. Exhibit submissions will debut at the Opening Reception on Friday, January 10th, from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. The exhibit will remain on display at the Main Street Gallery through January 31st, 2025.
Fill out an application at the Main Street Gallery-330 Main Street
Image Credits
Stephen Jackson, Seward Shame Pole, Saxman, Alaska, 2017 - Ketchikan Community Concert Band, image credit Felix Wong - Evy Posey, "Cosmic Wyvern", Mixed UP the 35th Annual Wearable Art Show, 2021 – Ricardo Búrquez, "My World", 2016 - Evon Zerbetz & Rich Stage, "A Trip to the Library", 2012 - Terry Pyles, "Yeltatzie Salmon", 2015
Kathy Flora, Marcie Pungowiyi, New Path Dancers, "Thunder”, ShapeShift the 26th Annual Wearable Art Show, 2012, image credit Ernie Meloche - Rhonda Green, Tongass Historical Museum entry gate, 2021 - Ketchikan Theatre Ballet, Spring Gala "The Four Seasons" May 2021 - Nathan Jackson, "New Thundering Wings", 2016 – First City Players, "39 Steps", Jack Finnegan, 2021, image credit Jeff Fitzwater - Jackie Keizer "Sailing Off Into A Tequila Sunrise", Mixed UP the 35th Annual Wearable Art, image credit Jeanette Sweetman 2021 - Shawna Hofmann, Andiamo Dance Company, image credit Jeanette Sweetman, 2021- Ricardo Búrquez, “Pipe Junction” 2021 - Isreal Shotridge, Chief Johnson's Totem Pole, Ketchikan, AK. 1955