Terry Pyles
Title: Fat Blue Spiral Piling Cap
Created: 2007
Location: Thomas Basin – Water side of Salmon Landing
Title: Goose Neck Clams Piling Cap
Created: 2007
Location: Thomas Basin – Water side of Salmon Landing
Title: Elongated Blue Spiral Piling Cap
Created: 2007
Location: Thomas Basin – Water side of Salmon Landing
Title: Multiple Piling Caps
Created: 2007
Location: Thomas Basin – Water side of Salmon Landing
Title: Humpback Whale
Created: 1997
Location: Inside Dockside Trading – hanging from the ceiling
Title: Killer Whale
Created: 2003
Location: Inside Salmon Landing Building – hanging from the ceiling
Title: Beginning of the Breech (Orca)
Created: Unknown
Location: 325 Stedman Street; Cedar Chest
Title: Pod of Orcas
Created: 1986
Location: North Point Higgins Elementary School
Title: Harbor Seal
Created: 2002