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Event Calendar

Blueberry Pet and Doll Parade!

Friday, August 4, 2023
2:00 pm3:00 pm
Main Street in front of the Ketchikan Police Department

Every year, the 3-day Blueberry Arts Festival starts with a Parade! The CUTEST Parade in town!!! The Pet and Doll Parade! Bring your favorite pet or doll or both! Dress up, dress them up! And this year a prize is given to the most FESTIVE MASK!!!! Fun fun fun!!! Free to all! Appropriate for all ages! Youngsters and their parents adorn wagons, pets, and dolls and parade down Main Street! Get creative, have fun, make a matching one for your doll or teddy bear, decorate your wagon, and bring a friend with four legs......! Don't have kids, dolls, or pets? Enjoy the cutest parade in town from the sidewalks of Main Street!

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