Connections to Culture
Visiting Researcher Grants:
The Burke Museum is excited to announce applications to the Connections to Culture grant program are once again open!
The Connections to Culture grant program facilitates opportunities for Native artists to work with the historical collections at the Burke Museum. The Bill Holm Center for the Study of Northwest Native to expand and grow their cultural arts knowledge inspire their artistic practice and aid in the transmission of artistic and cultural knowledge throughout communities and across generations.
Bill Holm Center Visiting Researcher grants provide funds for artists and researchers to travel to
Seattle and study from the Burke Museum collections. Proposals from artists/researchers whose
projects would benefit from the study of the Northwest Coast and Plateau collections are
encouraged. Visiting Artist/Researcher Grants will be awarded for a period of 1-3 days of research
time plus 2 travel days. Grant award funds cover per diem in Seattle ($76/day) plus travel and
lodging costs.