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Born in Tijuana, Mexico, artist Ricardo Búrquez traveled from Mexico to the Untied States and back again as a commercial fisherman. When he began fishing in Alaska, his hobby as an artist become more serious. In 1998 Búrquez arrived in Ketchikan and that is when he decided to make art his full time job. He is a self-taught artist, drawing from Mexican technique seen in murals and traditional arts, as well as inspiration from fresco and Italian Renaissance styles. Ricardo has always had a strong instinct for technique and use of different materials. He has educated himself through practice, and long days at the library.
“The Arts are not only the pursuit of beauty and aesthetic, but the purest of human expression and the finest of diplomacy”

Ricardo has focused largely on outdoor murals, but has also exhibited at the Main Street Gallery in Ketchikan, created murals for Potlatch Totem Park and Museum (privately owned), murals for the OceanView Restaurant, the center piece mural for the Ketchikan International Airport arrival terminal, and until 2020, he created commissioned works throughout the community.

To contact Ricardo Búrquez please call or email:



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